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They can be consumed fresh or briefly steamed or in water. Unlike most other legumes, lentil sprouts can be eaten raw. However, some people do not like eating too many raw lentil sprouts. In this case, heat treatment of the sprouts is recommended. The mild taste of sprouts is suitable with cereals (bread, rice, pasta).
Lentil sprouts help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They have a low content of unsaturated fatty acids, useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis. They help with cell hydration and the skin tightening process.
The seeds are round, some types are larger (6-9 mm), yellow or green, while other types are medium-sized (3-6 mm), orange, red or brown. Wash the seeds before use. Seeds should be germinated in a dark and airy place. The most favorable temperature for seed germination is between 18°C and 21°C. It is important to wash the seeds 2-3 times a day during germination in order to maintain humidity and prevent the appearance of mold. Lentil sprouts can be consumed when they grow from 0.7-2 cm. Try them when they are the tastiest, use one part of the sprouts when they are only 0.7 cm long, and leave the rest to grow to 1-2 cm.
High germination. Red lentil sprouts are great for enhancing the flavor of any meal. They are rich in protein, calcium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, do not contain sugar, have very few calories and are an excellent addition to any diet.
Harvest 5-6 days
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