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Microbes of cress salad have a strong spicy taste that weakens during growth. Only grow small amounts in the microgreens stage. It can grow to the stage of baby salad. The seeds are slimy.
Cress lettuce seeds are slimy – that’s why they like much less water in the germination phase than most other microgreen seeds. If you wet the seeds too much, they will not germinate well. Use less water in the bed at first. When planting, moisten the soil, but less than for other seeds. Use a spray bottle to evenly moisten the top surface of the soil (the seed should just stick to the soil, don’t press it when sowing). Once you have spread the seed evenly over the moistened surface of the soil, moisten the seed as well, but not too much. Cover with a tinted dome, as usual, but wetting should be more frequent (3 times a day), with very little water. The goal is to keep the seeds moist, but not soaked. You may experiment with several crops until you find the right measure and way to grow this microgreen. Cress salad has an interesting green leaf shape. The hot taste is intense, and stronger than any other microbial herb.
Harvesting 7-14 days
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